Big Red Catskiing Gets Flexible

Big Red Cats announced an new creative Catskiing program – The New Big Red Cats Flexipass - skiing for just C$350 per day. If guests come for 6 days – Big Red Cats will guarantee that guests get out for at least 3 out of the 6 days – at the level that the guest books either intermediate, advanced, or Expert. Big Red Cats will determine which days that you ski within the 6 day period. This is good for guests because it provides:
- Better conditions – by allowing Big Red cats to switch your days – this means that we can optimize the conditions of your trip
- Better skiing - Means you ski that Big Red Cats can build more cohesive groups – this helps ensure that you only ski with other guests of a similar ability. (Big Red Cats is the only operation in BC to offer separate, Expert, Advanced and intermediate Cat skiing).
- Lower costs – skiing for C$350 per person per day is a great deal.
On the other 3 days (out of the 6 days) guests have choice of:
- Skiing at Red Mountain BC
- Skiing at Whitewater
- Having a rest day.
- Or picking up another day of cat skiing with Big Red Cats.
To book call Kieren or Paula at Big Red Cats on 1 250 362 2271