A little angst from the East in Powder Mag
Enter our Contest, come to BC!

I was reading the latest edition of Powder Magazine today trying to get my fix in this in-between season. As with every issue, I start by reading the Letters to the Editor (I already looked at all the pow shots while perusing at the grocery store). This months Best Letter was offering up a full outfit from Outdoor Research Side Country line-up so naturally I was intrigued since we are on the OR program now.
This letter was to awesome to not post. The writer has finally cracked and can't take all our west coast stories about epic powder. I love his enthusiasm but offer him this advice: Book a trip today. Come to BC. Call us up. We would love to show you around. Pack your bags though, because you won't want to go home. He should definitely ENTER OUR CONTEST!
The one thing this letter did for me was realize again how fortunate I am that I live in British Columbia, the epicenter of Catskiing and Heliskiing. Check out his story here > > >