The Things we do for Catskiing...
I don't know about you, but I have had the "30cm Flu" more that once. I was sitting here in my office after chatting with the guys from Fernie Wilderness Adventures and what started as a 5 minute conversation about business turned into a 20 minute conversation about catskiing and what we would do to get it! I once stole borrowed a car, one of our crew Adam works like a hundred jobs in the summer just so he can take off in the winter. What have you done or what would you do? Give us your story in the comments section of this article.
When I worked in a ski shop through school, I had a form letter sitting in the fax machine just in case it snowed a heap. I would click send and then be gone. When we first met Paula and Kieren from Big Red Cats we offered to deliver a German tourist just as an excuse to get to Rossland! I have faked car problems, cell phone problems, sickness.... you name it. I trade things, whatever is needed to get out on the snow. Share with us your stories. Post em in the comments section of this post. - Todd